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06 Jan 2009 12:14


U.S.: Roland Burris, a man without a chair

  • This is all politics and theater, but I am the junior senator according to every law book in the nation.
  • Appointed Illinois senator Roland Burris • who was denied entry to the Senate chambers today. Burris was appointed by Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who was arrested for attempting to sell the seat. • source

01 Jan 2009 22:03


U.S.: Claiborne Pell, 1918-2009: He granted your Pell.

  • Who was he? Pell, who died today at age 90, was a longtime Rhode Island senator. First elected in 1960, the six-term senator had suffered from Parkinson’s Disease since 1994. source
  • Who was he? Pell, who died today at age 90, was a longtime Rhode Island senator. First elected in 1960, the six-term senator had suffered from Parkinson’s Disease since 1994.
  • His greatest act Pell, soft-spoken and friendly, was best-known for sponsoring the 1972 Pell Grant program, which has helped 54 million low-income people attend college. source
  • Who was he? Pell, who died today at age 90, was a longtime Rhode Island senator. First elected in 1960, the six-term senator had suffered from Parkinson’s Disease since 1994.
  • His greatest act Pell, soft-spoken and friendly, was best-known for sponsoring the 1972 Pell Grant program, which has helped 54 million low-income people attend college.
  • Quirky & popular The Democrat, well-known on Capitol Hill, was known for being a little eccentric, jogging in tweed coats, and occasionally absent-minded. Sounds like our kind of guy. source