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07 Dec 2009 10:19


Music: A harrowing account of the scary-sounding Weezer bus crash

  • I couldn’t believe what was happening in front of me, as Rivers lay so helpless, shivering in the center of the chaos, and meanwhile the sun was coming up and revealing an utterly beautiful light covering of snow on the surrounding trees.
  • Weezer band associate Karl Koch • Describing the scene as Rivers Cuomo was pulled out of the wreckage after a bus accident yesterday morning. The bus fell in such a way that the fridge fell out of its position and the front entrance was blocked by mud. The jaws of life were used to get the Weezer frontman out. Cuomo is resting comfortably in the hospital after suffering severe rib injuries. The band has canceled the rest of their 2009 tour dates as a result of the accident. Pull through, Rivers! source

21 Aug 2009 23:43


Music: Dwight from “The Office” came up with Weezer’s new album title

  • He has a super-rock persona. When it came time to find a title for the Weezer album, I asked him what he thought the ultimate album title would be and he said ‘Raditude.’
  • Weezer frontman RIvers Cuomo • Discussing Rainn Wilson’s role in creating the kinda-lame, kinda awesome title for “Raditude,” the next mediocre album from Weezer. We can see this title working if Rainn Wilson is saying it. But nobody else. • source