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02 Mar 2009 23:30


U.S.: Fun fact about RNC chair Michael Steele: He cowers quickly.

  • Two days ago: The day Rush Limbaugh gave a killer CPAC speech, the RNC chairman said something pretty harsh about the man of the moment: “Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh — his whole thing is entertainment. He has this incendiary — yes, it’s ugly.” He said this on, of all places, D.L. Hughley’s new CNN show. source
  • Two days ago: The day Rush Limbaugh gave a killer CPAC speech, the RNC chairman said something pretty harsh about the man of the moment: “Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Rush Limbaugh — his whole thing is entertainment. He has this incendiary — yes, it’s ugly.” He said this on, of all places, D.L. Hughley’s new CNN show.
  • Today: Man, he backed down like France in a World War. Today, in a phone interview, Steele was much less blunt about his words: “I was maybe a little bit inarticulate. … There was no attempt on my part to diminish his voice or his leadership.” Dude, you run a freaking political party and need to look strong. Need a hug? We give free hugs here. source