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06 Jun 2010 20:12


Tech, World: Foxconn’s suicide prevention salaries go way up – again!

  • 33% the immediate increase in salaries for Foxconn workers announced last week, in wake of a bunch of suicides
  • $300 the monthly amount they could be making in three months – $75 a week, or double their current salaries source

02 Jun 2010 11:46


Tech: The raise for Foxconn workers a lot higher than we thought

  • 30% raise to help limit workers’ suicidal thoughts source

31 May 2010 22:21


Tech: Apple to Foxconn workers: Here’s some money; stop killing yourselves

  • 20% the size of the raises Apple is giving FoxConn employees so they stop committing high-profile suicides
  • .7% the amount the raises will raise the outsourcing cost of the iPad’s sale price, from 2.3 to 3 percent source

22 Jan 2009 17:57


U.S.: Obama staff: If you make more than this, your pay’s frozen

  • $100,000+ means no raises source