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21 Dec 2009 21:47


Offbeat: Google is responsible for this 3D-rendered Santa atrocity

  • You know, usually we’d think something like this was kinda cute in its primitive nature. But it’s made by Google, so the fact that it looks cheesy only makes us want to make fun of it more. In other news, click this link to read an intriguing story about how NORAD has wasted its resources to track “Santa” (i.e. the Russians) on Christmas Eve since 1955. source

01 Jun 2009 08:17


World: Where did the &*^!%$ plane go? Air France jet falls off radar

  • It just vanished apparently. 228 people on board. The plane, headed from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil to Charles de Gaulle airport in Paris – an 11-hour trip that’s not exactly the most common flight ever – fell off the radar late last night and didn’t make its 11:15 a.m. local time (5:15 a.m. ET) landing in Paris. Officials are flabbergasted and trying to figure out exactly what happened. It’s likely it crashed. source