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01 Feb 2012 14:59


Culture: Soul Train’s biggest fan? Questlove looks back on Don Cornelius

  • “im just kinda writing from the heart”: The news of Don Cornelius’ death today has sparked many reflections on the man’s career, and lasting societal impact. Soul Train holds a significant place in the many people’s hearts for presenting a celebration of not just black artists, but identity as well, and Cornelius himself was the core of that. Perhaps the best tribute we’ve read on the subject comes from Questlove, and we urge you to read the full piece. “Soul Train to me is the GREATEST creation and inspiration of my life… i will NEVER EVER forget its powerful impact on education on pride on creativity on culture and on me. i love you don.” (Photo on left by Naoharu; photo on right by Questlove, showing his huge selection of hard drives full of old Soul Train episodes, which he says he brings with him everywhere.) source

08 Dec 2011 11:55


Culture: The Roots’ punishment for the Bachmann incident: Heavy bureaucracy

  • 3 NBC execs will now have to screen Questlove’s intro song choices source

23 Nov 2011 13:19


Politics: Bachmann rips The Roots over “Fallon” song choice

  • This is clearly a form of bias on the part of the Hollywood entertainment elite. This wouldn’t be tolerated if this was Michelle Obama. It shouldn’t be tolerated if it’s a conservative woman either.
  • Michele Bachmann • Expressing rage after finding out that the music that played ahead of her recent appearance on “Late Night With Jimmy Fallon” was an instrumental take on the 1985 Fishbone song “Lyin’ @$$ B*@!&” — a song choice by The Roots, who haven’t hidden their political views and aren’t beyond inspired song choices when performing as Fallon’s house band. And you don’t get much more “inspired” than implicitly calling a presidential candidate a something-or-other via a clever song choice. Jimmy Fallon apologized to Bachmann via Twitter; Bachmann hopes The Roots get disciplined over the incident. We like The Roots, but we agree with Bachmann here; if The Roots wanted to get a quick rip in on Bachmann, there are plenty of other songs out there which don’t add a misogynistic element to the whole thing. We recommend “Lies” by The Knickerbockers.  source

29 Mar 2009 21:48


Culture: If you were unaware of Twitter’s celebrity presence, look at this graphic

From Shaq to John McCain to ?uestlove, Twitter is the place to be if you’re a celebrity without an addiction to keep you busy. source