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17 Oct 2009 15:53


U.S.: George Bush the elder totally has Obama’s back

  • Politics is politics. But some things are bigger than that. He, like other Americans, would like to see the president be successful.
  • Former White House political director Ron Kaufman • Describing the warm relationship George H.W. Bush has with Barack Obama. Bush held an event honoring Obama’s public service last night, and despite the protests outside the Texas auditorium, it was a warm, festive affair inside. The elder Bush said that in challenging times, “the R or D next to your name is irrelevant.” Obama agreed. • source

23 Jun 2009 10:37


Politics: Columnist: Subsidize news … by making information more free

  • We care about these things because they provide information that improves public welfare and allows for more effective democratic decision-making. Why not make it easier for the news business to do its job?
  • Atlantic columnist Conor Clarke • Playing off the oft-discussed idea of government-subsidized news and instead using it as an argument that the Freedom of Information Act should be followed more closely by government bodies. He also notes that, when this data is easier to get, “it gives news organizations an incentive to write about those issues rather than Britney Spears’s hair or Michelle Obama’s arms.” And wouldn’t that be awesome? • source

27 Jan 2009 10:40


Culture: Meet the star of the new “Office” non-spin-off, Amy Poehler

The SNL alum will lead the cast of “Public Service,” coming to NBC in April. source

02 Jan 2009 12:58


U.S.: It’s National Blood Donor Month. Why you should.

  • 39,000 units of blood are needed in hospitals at any time source