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20 Jul 2009 08:34


Tech: The last Blu-Ray holdout, Toshiba, stops holding out

  • Now if they could only convince more people to buy Blu-Ray. The most recent format war, between Sony’s Blu-Ray and Toshiba’s HD-DVD, ended with Toshiba on the losing end last year due to a lack of big-media support. The company has finally given in to the tide, and will have a player on the market by the end of the year. Now, the goal is to get people to buy them – uptake is a little slow, but it helps that prices have fallen significantly over the last year or so. source

07 Jul 2009 10:36


Sports: Tennis star Mathieu Montcourt found dead in Paris

  • The timing was a little odd, by the way. Montcourt, who died in this sleep, just began a five-week suspension from the sport for betting on games. The player, ranked 119th in the world, thought the punishment was too harsh – he bet a total of $192 on 36 tennis matches back in 2005, none of which were his own, but was fined $12,000. That said, it’s still bizarre that he was found dead at that juncture. source

17 Jun 2009 22:28


Sports: Just when you thought ex-QB Ryan Leaf couldn’t fall any further …

  • Leaf was arrested on drug and burglary charges. You might remember Ryan Leaf as the guy who was drafted the same year as Peyton Manning and proceeded to tank in quick order. Or as the guy who worked at a small college as an assistant coach because his NFL career didn’t work out. Or even that guy who’s the trivia question. But now you can remember him as the guy arrested at the Canadian border on felony robbery and drug possession charges. If he keeps falling from grace, he might have whiplash. source

24 May 2009 18:43


Offbeat, Sports: NFL players and Freightliner trucks don’t mix with cops

  • Uhhhhhhh, that’s quite the adventure, Randy Starks … Starks, a 25-year-old defensive end for the Miami Dolphins, was arrested after a police chase in which he managed to squeeze 13 people inside the passenger area of a Freightliner truck, which usually seats about 4. He also had a woman sitting on his lap. Due to traffic, police were forced to chase Starks by foot. The truck, traveling at slow speeds, hit one officer before another one drew Starks’ attention and arrested him. The Dolphins, who had no comment, are trying to figure out WTF their player did. So are we. source

11 Mar 2009 10:36


Tech: The iPod Shuffle was already tiny. Did they have to make it smaller?

It talks now. And it’s twice as easy to lose as before. Good job, Apple. source