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10 Apr 2010 16:05


Politics: Dear Alan Grayson: Acting like a jerk at Perkins kinda lame

  • The story behind the clipRep. Alan Grayson, perhaps the closest thing the Democratic party has to a left-leaning crazy, comes to a RNC meeting in Orlando and accuses them of spying. It turns into this big thing covered here on Fox News. Showing backbone is one thing, Alan, but this kinda gets to the point where you turn into the joke, man. Although we must say – never been much been fans of Perkins. We’re IHOP all the way, so at the very least, we support Alan’s yelling in that department. source

06 Dec 2009 20:17


Culture: Who didn’t Tiger Woods have an affair with, anyway?

  • The latest to come forward: A Perkins waitress. Listen, there’s so many of these reported affairs now that we’re going to guess that some of them aren’t true. Although this one has a better chance than some of the others. Mindy Lawton, a waitress at an Orlando Perkins where Woods was known to get an egg-white omelet with broccoli, claims that she had a year-long relationship with the super-celeb. We’ll say it again, man. You could’ve saved yourself so much trouble had you come clean immediately. Now it’s just a sad, unbearably depressing joke. source