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08 Feb 2012 15:43


U.S.: Another teacher suspected of aiding LA school’s pedophilia scandal

  • She was a teacher who would escort little girls into Berndt’s classroom when he was all alone. Berndt would come over in the middle of day, whisper in her ear, and they would giggle, and then teacher would pick out two girls, escort them through a common door, so that they were stuck with a pedophile in this classroom.
  • Lawyer Bryan Claypool • Speaking on the rash of horrific charges to emerge from the pedophilia case at Miramonte Elementary, in the Los Angeles County School District. Claypool says he notified the Sheriff’s department after becoming aware of a female teacher, who he believes “patently aided and abetted” the alleged pedophilic abuse methods of fellow teacher Mark Berndt, one of two former teachers arrested on such charges. As a consequence of the scandal, and the public outrage directed at the school, the entire staff has been removed pending further decision. Be warned, the full details of this story are quite graphic and disgusting. source

21 Mar 2011 10:41


World: Pedophilia bust update: One guy had millions of pictures. Yuck.

  • 2 million number of photos a Bosnian man recently caught in a child porn bust had in his possession, authorities say
  • 4,000 number of videos the man had; he was just one of 70,000 members of the recently-broken-up ring source
  • » And worse: The unidentified man, referred to as an “important member” of the pedophilia ring, had a suitcase full of children’s clothes. Officials say he was “producing and posting online child sexual abuse materials.” Ugh. Disgusting.

17 Mar 2011 13:37


World: International team makes biggest online pedophilia bust

  • 640 the number of suspects identified so far, in what international law enforcement is calling the biggest bust of a pedophile group in history
  • 230 the number of children that international law enforcement have positively identified as having been abused by the group source
  • » Hats off to the good guys! Authorities believe that the online assemblage of pedophiles had about 70,000 users at its peak. The team that engineered this bust, led by U.K. investigators, took months to advance as the proprietor of the website had sophisticated security measures in place to avoid detection (although if you’re looking to keep your monstrosities clandestine, “The Internet BoyLove Directory” seems like a rather bold title). The Netherlands-based server that was hosting the website is now cooperating with authorities, making it likely that the ringleader of all this will face the justice his crimes have richly earned.

15 Feb 2010 08:45


World: Sound familiar? Ireland’s Catholic Church rocked by a sex-abuse scandal

  • Yes, storms spark fear, even those that rock the boat of the church because of the sins of its members.
  • Vatican Secretary of State Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone • Discussing sexual-abuse scandals that have rocked the Catholic Church of Ireland. A November report noted that the church “obsessively” hid child abuse between the years of 1975 and 2004. Four bishops have already resigned as a result of the scandal, where at least one priest admitted to abusing as many as 100 children. Yikes. source

05 Feb 2009 21:23


U.S.: Facebook allows the class creep to go to new depths of creepiness

  • It started with Facebook High school student Anthony Stancl of New Berlin, Wisc. (outside of Milwaukee) was arrested recently for a disturbing scheme where he pretended to be a girl on Facebook. Know how they tell you to watch out for sexual predators on MySpace and Facebook? Well, it’s kinda like that, but worse. “She” would allegedly talk to the boys in his class and convince them to send the “girl” naked photos of themselves … source
  • It started with Facebook High school student Anthony Stancl of New Berlin, Wisc. (outside of Milwaukee) was arrested recently for a disturbing scheme where he pretended to be a girl on Facebook. Know how they tell you to watch out for sexual predators on MySpace and Facebook? Well, it’s kinda like that, but worse. “She” would allegedly talk to the boys in his class and convince them to send the “girl” naked photos of themselves …
  • It ended with blackmail … which “she” would then use to blackmail the students in question into giving him (not “her”) sexual favors. “She” would threaten to distribute the photos to friends or put them online. He apparently did this a number of times between February 2007 and November of last year, and faces up to 300 years in prison. And now we need to take a shower, because we feel very dirty for writing about this. source