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13 Dec 2009 21:45


U.S.: Republicans ticked about Dems’ spending bill; Dems pass it anyway

  • It is business as usual, spending money like a drunken sailor, and the bar is still open.
  • Sen. John McCain • On the latest spending bill passed tonight. The Senate pushed it through with little Republican support and lots of Republican whining. The $447 billion omnibus spending bill, with lots of Democratic earmarks, hits Obama’s desk next, but not without lots of political ammo for the GOP to bring into the 2010 election season. source

11 Dec 2009 01:35


U.S.: Pennsylvania screwed over thousands thanks to a budget holdout

  • 101 the number of days Pennsylvania’s budget was delayed
  • 16,000 workers had to get loans due to the budget delay source

14 Aug 2009 10:12


World: Afghanistan just passed a law screwing over women

Want to live in a country where you can deny your wife food? Or pay off a rape charge in lieu of prosecution? Move to sunny Afghanistan. source

14 Feb 2009 09:31


Biz, U.S.: Obama has his stimulus package – he just needs to sign it

  • I will sign this legislation into law shortly, and we’ll begin making the immediate investments necessary to put people back to work doing the work America needs done.
  • President Barack Obama • During his weekly radio address, on the passage of the $787 billion stimulus package he pushed through Congress. He hoped to get bipartisan support but it didn’t happen, with the bill passing along party lines. • source