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21 Feb 2012 01:13


Politics: “Outed” Arizona sheriff won’t quit Congressional race after scandal

  • I’ve never defined myself by anything other than my service, and my duty, and what we should all be judged on in life. We’ve all had relationships, as is clear as day now — now this is national news — that I have had one where he wanted to harm me. And now this is rolled out, and the timing is more than a coincidence.
  • Pinal County, Ariz. Sheriff Paul Babeu • On having to “out” himself in light of a personal scandal. The sheriff, currently running for a Republican Congressional seat in Arizona, had been dogged by rumors that he threatened to deport an ex-lover to Mexico if their relationship a secret wasn’t kept. In order to deny those rumors, Babeu held a press conference and, in turn, announced his sexuality. Babeu, a hard-line conservative who had been a rising GOP star prior to the scandal, recently spoke at CPAC, where he called his primary opponent, Rep. Paul Gosar “most liberal Republican member of Congress.” Babeu thinks political rivals were behind the recent scandal. “I’ve got a record of service. people know me. I want to be judged, as every American should be, on results,” Babeu said. Does Babeu stand a shot at getting elected in the wake of this news? source

27 Jun 2010 10:29


Politics: What’s the deal with JournoList? And who ratted out Dave Wiegel?

  • Some respected blogger just dropped Dave Wiegel in acid. Wiegel, a blogger/reporter for The Washington Post (disclosure: we work for the Washington Post Express, a subsidiary) resigned after a colleague on Ezra Klein’s JournoList, a private e-mail network for 400 mostly-liberal bloggers to vent about stuff, leaked that Wiegel said some not-nice things about the conservative movement he covered in his job. We don’t know the inner-workings of this e-mail network. But we do know it has numerous big names we know and respect. Further thoughts:
  • A total hit jobNow, we don’t quite think it’s entirely wise to suggest that Matt Drudge “light himself on fire,” like Wiegel did, but we do think it’s completely unfair that one of his colleagues ratted him out. It screams vendetta. It screams “dirty politics,” except with bloggers.
  • Journolist: A bad ideaLook, it’s great that journalists and bloggers talk to one another, but the idea of a giant, exclusive club gives the impression of a level of elitism – and slant opportunities – that journalism simply shouldn’t have. Especially when things like this happen. Keep it open.
  • old media’s divideTrust us: The next job Wiegel gets will be at a blog, not a newspaper. Why? Because the issues that cropped up prove that large newspapers don’t necessarily understand the nature of blogging. And that’s a bad thing. Especially for their futures. source