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10 Mar 2011 10:57


World: France: Gaddafi isn’t Libya’s leader anymore. These guys are!

  • France recognizes the National Council as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people. There will be an exchange of ambassadors between Paris and Benghazi.
  • A spokesperson for French President Nicolas Sarkozy • Revealing that France now considers the opposition government, the Libyan National Council, the right one in Libya. This is a big step, considering that France is a major player on the political stage. It hurts Gaddafi further. So, who’s next? source

07 Mar 2009 12:22


Politics, World: Words of support for Zimbabwe PM Morgan Tsvangirai

  • He’s doing a better job already. Over the last month, Morgan Tsvangirai’s leadership, even in the face of an opposition government that’s been heading him off at every single pass and has kept one of his top aides in jail, has been graceful and offers real change. Much like the optimism that surrounded Barack Obama’s recent campaign, Tsvangirai represents change for Zimbabwe. And it’s showing. Keep fighting, Morgan. All eyes are on you. source
  • He’s doing a better job already. Over the last month, Morgan Tsvangirai’s leadership, even in the face of an opposition government that’s been heading him off at every single pass and has kept one of his top aides in jail, has been graceful and offers real change. Much like the optimism that surrounded Barack Obama’s recent campaign, Tsvangirai represents change for Zimbabwe. And it’s showing. Keep fighting, Morgan. All eyes are on you.
  • Regarding the car crash … There’s widespread belief that the recent crash that killed Tsvangirai’s wife Susan was premeditated. May we just say, while there’s no evidence of foul play yet in the recent car crash, if there was, may Robert Mugabe hang his head in shame. The world has had enough of your poor leadership – which is making others suffer for your personal gain – and we won’t let you get away with it again. All eyes are on you. source