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20 Sep 2009 20:30


Tech: You don’t need a gaydar; you need someone’s Facebook profile

A bunch of MIT researchers figured out you could figure out whether or not someone was gay based on their Facebook friends alone. Stalkers. source

31 May 2009 12:11


Politics, Tech: The evolution of the art of writing in the age of blogs

  • Philip Greenspun of MIT argues that, before the Web, you could either write books or mid-sized articles of four to five pages. Publishing was constricted. source
  • When the internet first came about, he argues, it allowed for long articles – 20 to 30 pages – to be easily printed. But short bites didn’t make sense online. source
  • His argument concludes that blogging solved the biggest problem of the media age – now people can easily write short. Well, that’s what we’re doing, anyway. source