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06 Jan 2012 19:35


U.S.: Mistakenly-deported teenage girl returned to U.S. after outcry

  • Our day has been hectic, hers is too, just as long as she makes it home, just as long as she gets here.
  • Johnisa Turner • Discussing the fate of her 15-year-old daughter, Jakadrien Lorece Turner, who returned to the U.S. on Friday after mistakenly getting deported from the country in May. Jakadrien, a runaway, apparently used a fake name that just happened to be that of an undocumented immigrant from Colombia, leading to the deportation. The U.S. government and Colombian government have gone back and forth over who was at fault for the deportation — with many concerned the U.S. didn’t do due diligence when deporting the girl. source

14 Nov 2011 10:05


Tech: Wikipedia co-founder mistaken for Julian Assange by immigration agent

  • No, no, no. Different guy. Not wanted in Sweden.
  • Wikipedia co-founder Jimmy Wales • Revealing, under embarrassing circumstances, that he had been mistaken for Wikileaks’ Julian Assange by an immigration official in Britain. This despite the fact that Wales runs one of the most popular sites on the Internet. And he likes using this power to stare at you. Wales used the point to emphasize, despite his site’s massive growth, he’s managed to remain mostly anonymous. Good work, son. You proved Julian Assange has more influence than you. Time to update your Wikipedia page. source

03 Dec 2010 16:40


About: EasyDNS and why having a small writing staff sometimes sucks

  • We’d like to fess up to something. Earlier today, we wrote a blog post about the latest bit of the Wikileaks saga. In the post, we mentioned a site called EasyDNS as being responsible. When we wrote the entry, we weren’t intending to blame them, but just to note that it happened. If Amazon of all sites can’t handle Wikileaks, we’d expect their beleaguered DNS provider to have even more of a claim than Amazon did. (And others weren’t quite so kind.) Here’s the problem, though. It wasn’t EasyDNS. It was EveryDNS. Without intending a pun, it was an easy mistake to make. EasyDNS soon after wrote a blog post about how everyone was making the same mistake as us, including Gawker, and called us out for it. (Deservedly, mind you. Let’s own up to the fact that we’re not perfect.) We’d like to offer up some thoughts on this whole mess:
  • How we work We’re a small staff, and whenever me (Ernie Smith) or fellow blogger Seth Millstein blog about stuff, we’re usually working alone, with the goal of trying to cover a lot of stuff quickly. We’re looking up interesting links but offering up commentary or interesting quotes, numbers or blurbs in the process.
  • Our weaknesses Unlike a larger site, like, say, Gawker (who made the same mistake and isn’t owning up to it), we don’t have an army of editors and are often working around other jobs, so sometimes we’re forced to write our posts in a limited amount of time while self-editing. Some days it doesn’t work out for us, but we try.
  • Owning up to it Look, our friends at EasyDNS have had a rough day, and we made it a little bit rougher on them. There are some weaknesses in how we work, and instead of chalking it up to a two-second mistake, we’re going to work on our self-editing processes to ensure diligence. To EasyDNS, we’re sorry. source
  • » One other thought: We’d like to think that when we screw up, there’s opportunity to be found in it. Maybe the problem is collective workload. So, let’s try to make some lemonade out of this: We’re always interested in having more voices on ShortFormBlog, so let us know if you might be interested at trying your hand at the short-form storytelling we do.

22 Oct 2009 10:48


Politics: The Rev. Al Sharpton and The Rev. Jesse Jackson not interchangeable

  • I mean, come on! They’re both reverends! They’re both iconic black leaders! The question, though: Would Al get as uppity if he were mistaken for Jesse?source

24 Aug 2009 22:43


Music: Will Ferrell ≠ Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith

  • Don’t tell that to Chad Smith’s unwitting fans, though. The Red Hot Chili Peppers are arguably as famous, if not moreso, than Will Ferrell. But drum-pounder Chad Smith still suffers from mistaken identity. “I’m nice to these people,” Smith says. “(I say) ‘No, I’m not.’ But they’re like, ‘I loved you in Old School. You’re so funny.'” We suggest that Smith get a more distinct persona, like Flea. Now that guy you wouldn’t mistake for a movie star. source

11 Apr 2009 18:40


Culture: Woody Harrelson thought he saw a zombie taking his photo

  • With my daughter at the airport I was startled by a paparazzo, who I quite understandably mistook for a zombie.
  • Woody Harrelson • Explaining, via his publicist, why he attacked a photographer in La Guardia Airport on Wednesday. He claimed he had just finished a movie called “Zombieland” and was still in character. Remember, guys; the dude likes his pot. This explanation, by the way, is almost too entertaining for words. Next time we beat someone up for taking our photo, we’re using the same claim. • source