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07 Dec 2010 10:00


U.S.: Federal Judge Thomas Porteous: Meet a guy who could get impeached

For the first time since our greatest president met Monica Lewinsky, a federal official is up for impeachment. Porteous, from Louisiana, is facing misconduct charges. source

06 Mar 2010 12:54


Politics: Yet another New York politician chewed up, spit out by scandal

  • In the incredibly toxic atmosphere that is Washington D.C., with the destruction of our elected leaders having become a blood sport, especially in talk radio and on the Internet, there is also no doubt that an ethics investigation would tear my family and my staff apart.
  • New York Rep. Eric Massa • On his decision to leave office early, as of Monday at 5 p.m. He was facing an ethics scandal regarding misconduct towards a male staff member. Rather than face that political sucker-punch, he chose to resign instead. He had already said he wouldn’t seek re-election due to health reasons. What is in the water in New York that creates so many political scandals? Jesus. source

01 Apr 2009 10:11


U.S.: Ted Stevens – remember him? His trial’s likely getting dismissed

  • The backstory In case you’ve forgotten, Stevens, the former Alaska senator, was convicted of corruption charges right around election day for apparently taking gifts from Veco, an oil services company. The case managed to do what years of questionable actions by Stevens couldn’t – get him booted out of office by voters after 40 years. source
  • The backstory In case you’ve forgotten, Stevens, the former Alaska senator, was convicted of corruption charges right around election day for apparently taking gifts from Veco, an oil services company. The case managed to do what years of questionable actions by Stevens couldn’t – get him booted out of office by voters after 40 years.
  • Fumbling the case This morning, the Justice Department, citing gross prosecutor misconduct, will be looking to dismiss the conviction, effectively putting Sen. Stevens in the clear. The prosecutors apparently withheld significant evidence and mishandled witnesses. The case would likely not be pursued again, mainly because Stevens, 85, is really freaking old. source