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18 Oct 2011 10:36


U.S.: Massive dust cloud rolls through Texas, looks pretty crazy

  • An inopportune time to play “Dust in the Wind”: A 8,000-foot-high dust cloud engulfed Lubbock, Texas yesterday afternoon, making for dramatic scenes like this one and lowering visibility to near-zero. Would not want to drive in this. Yikes. source

24 Feb 2011 13:45


U.S.: Saudi citizen in Lubbock, Texas charged for bomb, terror plans

  • The would-be jihadist? Khalid Ali-M Aldawsari, a Saudi citizen attending community college in Texas, was arrested today on charges of attempting to build a bomb for terrorist purposes. He allegedly purchased bomb components, as well as chemical components, and kept a journal detailing his dedication to jihadist philosophy. He is accused of plotting to kill former President George W. Bush, as well as attack reservoirs and hydroelectric plants in Colorado and California. He’s also said to have collected names and addresses of three U.S. military officers who’d been stationed at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. source