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30 Mar 2010 23:01


U.S.: Study: Kidney-selling shouldn’t be limited to the black market

  • 106k number of people currently on waiting lists for a new organ, mostly kidneys
  • 92% of people who die yearly waiting for organs they were waiting for others to donate
  • $$$ what could encourage more organ donations for people who need them source

30 Jun 2009 21:48


U.S.: Let’s take this time to honor two of our favorite painkillers ever

  • Hugs & kisses to Vicodin Percocet
    Ah, Vicodin. What can we say about you that hasn’t already been said? When we were laid up that one time because of back problems, you pulled through like a champ. Too bad the FDA says you’re not good for our liver and is probably going to ban you. We know. Life’s not fair sometimes. source
  • Hugs & kisses to Vicodin Percocet
    Ah, Vicodin. What can we say about you that hasn’t already been said? When we were laid up that one time because of back problems, you pulled through like a champ. Too bad the FDA says you’re not good for our liver and is probably going to ban you. We know. Life’s not fair sometimes.
  • Peace & prosperity to Percocet Percocet
    And … Percocet. We aren’t as cool with you, bro, but we do think you’re a pretty spiffy way to take the pain away from any sort of physical pain drama. But, alas – like Vicodin – you’re a mix of acetaminophen with another drug. We’d totally base an addiction on you. source

20 Jun 2009 03:45



  • six months Amount of time Steve Jobs has been off the job due to health issues source