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30 Jan 2009 08:57


U.S.: New RNC chair sought. Must make us look good in front of Obama.

  • In disarray right now After a pretty hefty loss in November, led by Barack Obama and some pretty significant Democratic coattails, that whole “Republican Revolution” thing from the 1990s is a long-forgotten memory. So today, the party chooses new leadership to get them back on track. source
  • In disarray right now After a pretty hefty loss in November, led by Barack Obama and some pretty significant Democratic coattails, that whole “Republican Revolution” thing from the 1990s is a long-forgotten memory. So today, the party chooses new leadership to get them back on track.
  • In contention Mike Duncan, the current leader, could get re-elected, but he has a lot of competition. That competition includes former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, ex-Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, South Carolina GOP Chairman Katon Dawson and Michigan GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis. source
  • In disarray right now After a pretty hefty loss in November, led by Barack Obama and some pretty significant Democratic coattails, that whole “Republican Revolution” thing from the 1990s is a long-forgotten memory. So today, the party chooses new leadership to get them back on track.
  • In contention Mike Duncan, the current leader, could get re-elected, but he has a lot of competition. That competition includes former Ohio Secretary of State Ken Blackwell, ex-Maryland Lt. Gov. Michael Steele, South Carolina GOP Chairman Katon Dawson and Michigan GOP Chairman Saul Anuzis.
  • Chip’s an idiot Ex-Tennessee GOP Chairman Chip Saltsman was also on that list, but he dropped out on Thursday. Admittedly, he was a longshot: He lost a lot of support after he sent a holiday CD out to Republican leadership that included a comedy song called “Barack the Magic Negro.” *forehead slap* source