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03 May 2010 16:03


U.S.: High Court justices upset that they can’t walk in through the front

  • I write in the hope that the public will one day in the future be able to enter the Court’s Great Hall after passing under the famous words ‘Equal Justice Under Law.’
  • Supreme Court Justice Stephen G. Breyer • On the new security measures for the main entrance to the Supreme Court – a giant stairwell designed by Cass Gilbert back in the 1930s. Now, instead of being able to enter that bastion of law and justice as it was designed, people now have to enter through the side and go through security. Both Breyer and Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg complained about the changes, with Breyer saying about Gilbert’s design, “Time has proven the success of Gilbert’s vision: To many members of the public, this Court’s main entrance and front steps are not only a means to, but also a metaphor for, access to the Court itself.” We wonder what the more right-leaning justices think about this change. source

01 May 2010 09:20


U.S.: Elena Kagan could be the rare SCOTUS justice who wasn’t a judge

  • 1972 the last time a new justice wasn’t a judge source
  • » The nature of nominees: Many Supreme Court justices, beyond being judges already, tend to be East Coast, Ivy League, and largely have careers in government. Kagan, the current Solicitor General and a leading candidate for the Supreme Court post, fits that bill, too. She was nominated for a judicial post in 1999 but had her nomination stalled, does share other things in common with Supreme Court judges. Her career path is very similar to that of Chief Justice John Roberts, minus, you know, the judging.