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01 Aug 2009 11:49


Sports: Golfer John Daly is freaking out, doesn’t think he has it anymore

  • The last two weeks have been
    the first time in my career I didn’t think I could win. I don’t have
    the feel I used to have. I don’t have the confidence. I just don’t have it.
  • John Daly • Describing his frustration with golfing after getting an 88 at the 2009 Buick Open this week. “I tried my [tail] off and shot 88,” he said. “I’ve thrown in the towel and shot 82 when I quit. But I didn’t quit this time. It was a weird feeling.” Daly is described to be out of sorts by his swing coach, who says he hasn’t slept and is barely eating after getting lap-band surgery four months ago. Daly has lost 80 pounds due to the surgery, which has taken away some of his ability to hit the ball. • source

20 May 2009 22:34


Sports: Golfer Phil Mickelson’s taking a break for his wife’s sake

  • She was diagnosed with breast cancer. Amy Mickelson will need major surgery within two weeks, so Phil – the best non-Tiger-Woods golfer on the tour – is taking an indefinite break to be by her side. Many golfers had words of condolences for the family, from superstar Woods to laughingstock John Daly. Yes, even John Daly. source