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08 Jun 2011 21:40


World: Americans win “World’s Funniest People” award…but is that a good thing?

  • americans are funny. At least, that was the conclusion drawn from a survey by social networking site Badoo (who?), in which 30,000 people in 15 countries were asked to name the world’s funniest citizens. Americans came out on top, with Spaniards and Italians taking second and third, respectively. But wait–what exactly did they mean by “funny?” Was it in a, “That joke was hilarious!” sort of way, or a “You have toilet paper stuck to your shoe and nobody’s telling you” sort of way? We don’t know, so we’re not sure whether or not Americans should rejoice at this news. Similarly, should Germany be proud or embarrassed that they came in dead last? source

09 Oct 2010 14:33


Offbeat: Study: Older people laugh less. Us: Duh.

  • 52 age at which we lose our sense of humor source

08 May 2009 13:43


Culture: Friend of the site: Check out Most Horrible Thing Ever

  • Killer concept. Scary videos. One of our favorite humorists, David Putney, has been hard at work on creating Most Horrible Thing Ever, a site cataloging some of the scary things he’s found on the Internet and on YouTube. On top of such videos as the Gymkata trailer and Carl Lewis singing about world peace, there’s lots of distinctly Putneyian humor – a unique natural resource that must be experienced. Plus, it’s got some of the same short-form style you dig reading here. Check it out! source

17 Jan 2009 12:10


Offbeat: Obama speech generator: ‘hope’ is not just another word for ‘dog’

  • My fellow Americans, today is a heartfelt day. You have shown the world that ‘hope’ is not just another word for ‘dog,’ and that ‘change’ is not only something we can believe in again, but something we can actually give.
  • “Barack Obama” • in a speech generated by’s “Inauguration Speech Generator” • source