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18 Jun 2010 09:29


Offbeat: Lesson learned: Sell your valuable real estate before the market busts

  • This was Austin Spriggs’ property back in 2006. This was during the real estate boom. For some reason, he decided to hold out from the bevy of offers made for his D.C. property. Now, his property looks like this – and he can’t get anyone to buy it so that he can avoid foreclosure. It’s kinda like throwing away a lottery ticket, right? source

02 Jan 2009 18:33


Culture: A plea from the peanut gallery

  • Yo, Michael Cera. Loved you in Superbad. Thought you were amazing in Juno. And though I didn’t see Nick and Norah’s, I wanted to. Because of you. You’ve never steered me wrong. So, please, tell me: Why are you holding out on the Arrested Development movie? If it’s really so wrong to say yes, we don’t want you to be right. That is all. source