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15 Jun 2009 11:04


U.S.: The NY State Senate cluster&#^% continues to cluster&#^%

  • One of the two Democrats the Republicans in the State Senate managed to convince to switch, sides, Hiram Monserrate, has decided to switch back, creating even more confusion. source
  • So what’s next? Well, the state senate turns into an even 31-31 split, which means that nobody has power. The Republicans’ attempt at a power grab sure backfired, didn’t it? source

11 Jun 2009 21:12


U.S.: That N.Y. state senate cluster^*#& is becoming a bigger one

  • One of the defectors says there isn’t enough Democratic support. Hiram Monserrate, one of the two guys responsible for leaving the Democratic-led New York State Senate majority in favor of a Republican-led one, walked out abruptly tonight, saying that there wasn’t enough support for the change and he needed to recruit more Democrats to help. So, which one of your alienated fellow party members are you going to hit up first, Hiram? Hope, like this guy, you like rejection. source