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12 Nov 2009 10:32


Politics: Could Lou Dobbs be headed towards political office?

  • He’s got name recognition, he has a following, he surely knows how to give a speech. He’s mastered the art of sophistry, and of sounding like he knows what he’s talking about while actually not. I mean, he’s about perfect.
  • Guardian columnist Michael Tomasky • Tossing around the same idea we had when we watched Lou Dobbs’ show last night – his wording was open-ended enough that he may not be leaving to go to another show, but angling towards political office. Not that Tomasky supports it – he refers to Dobbs as a “stupid man” – but he might actually make sense in that role. The only thing to keep in mind is that he’s something of an in-betweener: His opinions on climate change and immigration (and birthers!) make him conservative, but his populist, pro-middle-class stances are actually pretty leftist. We can see it now – Palin/Dobbs 2012. • source

29 Sep 2009 09:57


Biz, Tech: More innovative ways to get your news from big newspapers

  • From The Guardian The U.K.’s most consistently awesome newspaper has a pretty sweet, well-organized “river” of news.

10 Jul 2009 15:09


World: This collection of advertising puts sleazy spambots to shame

The Guardian put together a photo gallery of some of the best ads focusing on environmental and social issues. And yes, one uses 9/11 for a freaky comparison. source

31 Mar 2009 22:14


Biz, World: The Guardian says screw print – they’re going Twitter-only.

  • Who needs presses when you’re on the forefront of technology? The Guardian, one of the best papers in the U.K. – hell, the world – is going to try a great experiment, starting today. They’re going Twitter-only. Among the new technologies they’re launching include “Gutter,” a collaboration with Twitter that will filter out all notable liberal opinion. We wish them the best. Also, in other news, our rent would be due today if we lived in London. source