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17 Apr 2010 11:44


World: Ashes to ashes: If you’re in Europe and want to fly, it sucks to be you

  • 18,600 number of flights that were
    canceled yesterday due to the erupting Iceland volcano
  • 16,000 number of flights that will be
    canceled today for the very same freaking reason source
  • » How long could this go on, anyway? The ash, which has a very damaging effect on aircraft (think what Lava soap does to your hands, except with an expensive plane), could be in cloud form for the next 24 hours at least; it’s causing chaos for European travelers, who have been forced to travel by boat, car, train or anything non-plane-related.

21 Dec 2009 11:15


U.S.: Feds: Leaving people stuck in grounded planes is not cool

  • Starting in April, the limit is three hours. Ever get that weird cabin fever feeling from being stuck in one place for too long? Well, after one too many incidents where people were stuck in planes on the tarmac for as many as 10 hours (holy crap!), the feds have stepped in. “Airline passengers have rights, and these new rules will require airlines to live up to their obligation,” said transportation secretary Ray LaHood. Good someone remembered that. Bad someone had to say it. source