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30 Nov 2010 00:34


31 Oct 2010 21:27


Tech: Why did super-developer Lars Rasmussen leave Google, anyway?

  • what Lars Rasmussen, a key Google staffer who famously crated Google Maps (and Google Wave) decided to leave the company recently. Understandable, because they killed his Google Wave baby.
  • why He’s going to Facebook! He revealed the news to the Sydney Morning Herald, saying: “It feels to me that Facebook may be a sort of once-in-a-decade type of company.” We can see that. source

11 Sep 2010 12:14


Tech: Protip: Create “Google Instant” variations to secure employment

Hey @FreeTheFeross! Loving YouTube Instant… Want a job? 😉Fri Sep 10 18:55:10 via web


  • youtube A guy created an awesome Google Instant-inspired variation on YouTube. Within hours, Chad Hurley was Tweeting him.
  • maps Someone else has created a different variation on Google Instant, this time using Maps. He’s available, by the way. source
  • » Update: Oh, it gets better. The creator of Google Maps Instant also did something similar with Google Images. And that’s simply a rad idea.

31 May 2010 10:21


Offbeat: Protip: Google’s walking directions could get you hit by a car

  • Park City, Utah resident Lauren Rosenberg is an idiot. Rosenberg was trying to walk from one side of town to the other and ended up on a highway without a sidewalk. She kept following Google’s instructions on her BlackBerry and (surprise) got hit by a car. Now she’s suing for $100,000. OK, we understand that Google’s walking directions may perhaps be a little off sometimes, but when does common sense step in? (Groan.) source

28 May 2010 18:57


U.S.: Play with this oil spill map, and scare the crap out of yourself

  • What if you could take the oil spill and put it, well, anywhere? Well, you’d completely cover the D.C. metro area, most of Maryland, and part of Delaware. source

10 Mar 2010 10:51


Tech: To those who bike, Google Maps (finally) salutes you

  • No. 1 biking trails’ rank on the
    most-requested Google Maps
    features list (hiking is next)
  • 150 number of cities that will
    finally be getting bike trails
    of their own source

20 Jan 2010 10:50


World: Google Maps now provide an accurate view of Haiti’s devastation

  • Google’s updated their satellite images for Port-au-Prince, Haiti, post-earthquake, and some of the new views are devastating and terrible. The images are also being given to relief organizations, who may be able to use it to assist others. source

21 Dec 2009 21:47


Offbeat: Google is responsible for this 3D-rendered Santa atrocity

  • You know, usually we’d think something like this was kinda cute in its primitive nature. But it’s made by Google, so the fact that it looks cheesy only makes us want to make fun of it more. In other news, click this link to read an intriguing story about how NORAD has wasted its resources to track “Santa” (i.e. the Russians) on Christmas Eve since 1955. source

27 Oct 2009 10:05


Tech: The brothers behind Google Wave a rags-to-riches success story

Lars and Jens Rasmussen had just $16 to their names when they sold the idea for Google Maps. Now, they may be onto the Wave of the future. source

07 Sep 2009 21:06


Culture, Tech: Google’s new Monopoly City Streets monopolizes awesome

Monopoly City Streets
  • And people thought the McDonald’s game was good. Hasbro and Google have decided to team up and turn Monopoly into a game that remains true to the nature of the original, but with an all-too-real twist: The properties you’re monopolizing are real, and the board is based on Google Maps AND massively multiplayer. This idea is just too brilliant for Hasbro to have come up with on their own. We’re guessing Google had the idea, THEN suggested it to Hasbro. It launches Wednesday, just in time for our Catstravaganza.source