U.S.: Now cab drivers in NYC are getting stabbed ‘cuz they’re Muslim
- crazy A New York cabbie was allegedly attacked by some film student the other night. He had been stabbed multiple times.
- crazier Said student was a volunteer for a pro-unity group who had been to Afghanistan before. Which is screwed up. source
- » Hey, over-the-top Mosque haters, read this. The cabbie, Ahmed Sharif, had this to say about the whole “Ground Zero Mosque” thing, which has been blown out of proportion at this point: “I feel very sad. I have been here more than 25 years. I have been driving a taxi more than 15 years. All my four kids were born here. I never [felt] this hopeless and insecure before.” He plans to also hold a news conference today and talk with Mayor Michael Bloomberg. Can we just emphasize how insane it is that a cabbie reportedly got attacked for his religion?