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25 Mar 2009 10:30


Biz: Another piece of the economy, durable goods, unexpectedly perks up

  • +3.4 increase in durable goods (computers, machinery, etc.) sales in February; that’s really good. Time to party! source

23 Mar 2009 10:53


Biz, U.S.: Well, something’s looking up econonomically: Home resales

  • 5.1% the unexpected increase in home resales in February source

12 Mar 2009 01:55


Biz, U.S.: Ah, home foreclosures. Another thing to be depressed about.

  • +30% year-over-year increase in foreclosures. Yikes. source

04 Mar 2009 10:33


Biz, U.S.: Job-wise, February sucked worse than January

  • 697,000 jobs were lost in the private sector in February source