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15 Feb 2011 21:18


Tech, World: Apple, Foxconn worked really hard to stop worker suicides

  • Recognizing that we would need additional expertise to help prevent further tragedies, we launched an international search for the most knowledgeable suicide prevention specialists — particularly those with experience in China — and asked them to advise Apple and Foxconn.
  • A statement from Apple’s annual Supplier Responsibility report • Describing the process that Apple went through to help stop the spate of suicides at Foxconn’s Chinese factories last year. Apple personally sent Tim Cook, the company’s Chief Operating Officer and the guy covering for Steve Jobs while he’s on medical leave, to China to check out the factories. They brought in psychologists and Buddhist monks. They played calming music. They did a survey of employees, along with personal interviews of workers. They put up nets in the factory to prevent people from committing suicide on a lark. They made a room for releasing stress, complete with punching bags. Foxconn is even working on making more factories in China, so people can live closer to their homes. The result? Suicides are reportedly way down. Apple doesn’t mess around. source

14 Dec 2010 10:42


World: Bangladeshi factory fire kills dozens, but could’ve been much worse

  • 25+ people were killed in a large garment factory fire in Bangladesh today
  • 100+ more were injured; the blaze took more than five hours to put out source
  • » And it could’ve been way worse: See, the multi-story factory (located in the capital of Bangladesh, Dhaka) housed 10,000 workers, mostly women. Many of them, however, were out to lunch at the time. Whew. For those who weren’t so lucky, though, it was very bad. VERY bad.

18 Jun 2010 11:52


Biz: Evidence GM and Toyota are in an auto-industry upswing

  • GM Instead of having its traditional two-week factory shutdown this summer, the company plans to keep 9 of its 11 plants open.
  • Toyota The company is planning to actually use a plant it nearly finished but never opened up. 2,000 people will get jobs. source