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10 May 2010 20:29


Tech: Things that may end in 2012: The world, AT&T’s contract with Apple

  • 2007 Apple sets a contract with AT&T to be the exclusive distributor of the iPhone, but nobody knows how long.
  • 2008 In the midst of a class-action lawsuit, the end date comes out, and
    it’s in 2012. The market begins to evolve.
  • 2010 Engadget finds this
    detail and posts about
    it, but suggests that
    the contract may have
    changed. source

27 Feb 2009 09:57


U.S., World: Who likes the Iraq plan? Who doesn’t?

  • Democrats = Boo. Many Democrats think leaving 50,000 troops in Iraq until 2011 is too many for too long. It also breaks a campaign promise by Obama, who said it would be over sooner. “50,000 is a little higher number than I anticipated,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. source
  • Democrats = Boo. Many Democrats think leaving 50,000 troops in Iraq until 2011 is too many for too long. It also breaks a campaign promise by Obama, who said it would be over sooner. “50,000 is a little higher number than I anticipated,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid.
  • Republicans = Yay! Republicans seem largely on board with the president who chose the deadline based on military suggestions. The final end date is January 1, 2012. Rep. John McHugh of New York said the plan “is one that we should pray for, plan for and work toward.” source