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14 Sep 2009 21:46


Offbeat: Ever wonder what a dog’s worldview was like? Read this post.

  • Hard as we may try, a dog’s-eye view is not immediately accessible to us, however, for we reside within our own umwelt, our own self-world bubble, which clouds our vision.
  • New York Times book reviewer Cathleen Schine • Using very big words to describe Alexandra Horowitz’s “Inside of a Dog: What Dogs See, Smell, and Know,” a book that tells you about all the stuff the title describes. Basically, dogs think differently from people – seeing things means little to Rover. But if Rover leaves his mark, then it means a lot to him. Their vision and hearing? Imprecise. Their smelling? Immaculate. There, we saved you from reading both the article and Horowitz’s book. But if you want to read either, click the link or something. • source

09 Sep 2009 22:39


U.S.: Felines in California, tell your legislator not to pass Senate Bill 250

  • The law would require spaying and neutering of most pets. State Sen. Dean Florez is attempting to push through the law, called The Pet Responsibility Act. The law would require licenses for pets who wanted to keep their junk unaltered. All they want to do is reproduce! Why do you want to take that away from them, Dean? Anyway, it didn’t pass in its first go-round but will have a second coming up soon. If you wanna stay on the prowl, guys, you best show some solidarity! source

14 Jul 2009 18:41


U.S.: Now you can have a jet-settin’ dog too, just in case you wanted one

An all-pet airline launched in New York today, with regular service to Washington, Chicago, Denver and Los Angeles. Doggy daycare was so 2008. source

25 May 2009 11:09


Offbeat: Here’s your bold-faced dog-related idea of the day

  • So here’s the idea you’ve been patiently waiting for: let’s simply say that dog breeds are different species.
  • Steve Mirsky • In an essay in the Scientific American, arguing that the re-labeling of different breeds of dogs could be used to prove evolution to creationists. Seems reasonable. • source

08 Apr 2009 22:01


Offbeat: It’s apparently a slow enough news day for a dog yoga story

Dogs and their owners are trying to find their aura together, while we’re in the midst of rolling our eyes. source

27 Feb 2009 16:02


Offbeat: These dogs need a home. This isn’t an e-mail scam.

Cookie & Coko are real dogs, but their sad story led to a e-chain letter with four legs. source

17 Jan 2009 09:54


Culture: In other news, what’s with all the dog movies?

The latest, “Hotel for Dogs” (with Lisa Kudrow and Don Cheadle (!) ), sounds downright idiotic. source