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25 Feb 2012 11:13


U.S.: Vermont same-sex couple vows to fight DOMA, deportation

  • How can our country, with a President who knows discrimination in his core, how can they continue to uphold DOMA?
  • Vermont resident Frances Herbert • Discussing the issues her wife, Takaka Ueda, is facing. Herbert is legally married to Ueda — a native of Japan and her partner of 13 years — and in shock, after the Department of Homeland Security sent a letter denying Ueda’s request to stay in the country. Ueda moved to the US from Japan in 1999, but is now living in the country illegally and faces deportation. Vermont’s congressional delegation has even stepped in, submitting a letter to the Department of Homeland Security, asking them to reconsider. Now the couple plans to fight the ruling, and the Defense of Marriage Act in general, in hopes of preventing this from happening to anyone else. Think they’ll succeed? source

28 Dec 2009 21:41


Politics: DHS head Janet Napolitano’s getting resignation calls already

  • Does she not realize how sick we are of government officials responding to obvious mistakes, errors and failures by bragging about what they did get right?
  • Andrew Sullivan (our second link to him today!) • Regarding the perceived ineptitude of Homeland Security chief Janet Napolitano, who took credit for getting the job done regarding the underwear bomber, only to get trashed by everybody around because, well, she didn’t. Her second half-apology on Today this morning has people calling for her head all around the table. source