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02 Mar 2010 11:14


U.S.: That Texas Governor’s primary race not looking very close anymore

  • 40%+ Rick Perry’s recent poll numbers; he’s seeking an unprecedented fourth term
  • 30%+ Kay Bailey Hutchison’s numbers; she’s been portrayed by Perry as a Washington insider
  • 10%+Debra Medina’s poll numbers; she’s flopped ever since she hinted she was a 9/11 Truther source

14 Feb 2010 22:16


Politics: Debbie Medina hoping she can bounce back from Glenn Beck flop

  • This is war. They don’t shoot at you until you are over the target. We are over the target.
  • Far-right Texas gubernatorial candidate Debra Medina • Regarding the race and the fact that she said something incredibly stupid to Glenn Beck. Medina has been trying to do damage control ever since that fateful Thursday radio show. But if she can get beyond it, she has a lot going for her. She’s actually to the right of Rick Perry, which is impressive, and her poll numbers are high enough to make a dent. We’ll see if she holds up – her quote exposing her as a 9/11 truther is a massive doozy. source