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09 Dec 2009 21:25


Tech: AT&T’s CEO is a giant douchenozzle, based on this statement

  • The first thing we need to do is educate customers about what represents a megabyte of data. Longer term, there’s got to be some sort of pricing scheme that addresses the users.
  • AT&T CEO Ralph de la Vega • Describing his frustration with smartphone data users (iPhone users, mostly) who go whole-hog on data usage because, well, just look at their phones. The company’s service, which has gotten suckier as more people give into the iPhone’s charms (and because they agreed to the Apple deal without the infrastructure to handle it), could turn into a pay-toll-style service based on what this jerk just said. His claim: 3% of users are responsible for 40% of data use. Our claim: Those 3% are setting the template for your other 97%. Get ready. source