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06 Aug 2010 12:47


U.S.: Obama’s top economic-advisin’ lady dropping out of the job

Is it a sign about Obama’s economic policy? Christina Romer is Obama’s second main economic type to leave, after the much hotter Peter Orszag. source

22 Mar 2009 12:00


Biz, U.S.: The government is getting private help with those toxic assets

  • “We simply – we simply need them.” Christina Romer, an economic adviser for Obama, chatted with “Fox News Sunday” about the nature of “toxic,” i.e. uncertain, assets. Private investors are doing the administration a favor, she says, by not forcing the government to carry all of the weight of the toxic assets. Good for them. We’ll buy those investors a beer (probably a PBR; times are tough) next time we see them in our local dive bar. source