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18 Aug 2010 15:28


Politics: Here’s a little kibble for Tea Partiers and anti-Tea Partiers

  • The ManifestoDick Armey, former House Majority Leader, published a manifesto in today’s Wall Street Journal (along with Matt Kibbe) explaining what the “Tea Party Movement” wants. It’s epic. “But let us be clear about one thing,” they write. “The tea party movement is not seeking a junior partnership with the Republican Party, but a hostile takeover of it.”


    The antidoteIn case you’re a lefty and need an antidote after reading that whole thing, some genius satirist decided to make a bunch of faux Modern Tea Party shirts with funny slogans. And all of them are rip-roaringly hilarious. Trust us. We can’t stop laughing. source

06 Mar 2009 10:30


Culture: Jon Stewart puts Rick Santelli in his place

This is the danger of skipping out on “The Daily Show,” friends: Jon Stewart may rip you to shreds. source

25 Feb 2009 09:53


Biz, U.S.: Need something to do this weekend? Go to a Chicago Tea Party!

Fifteen Rick Santelli tea parties, just this weekend. Couldn’t wait ’til July. He must be proud. source

22 Feb 2009 21:10


Biz, U.S.: CNBC’s Rick Santelli: He’s Internet famous now

  • 1.7 million Internet viewers can’t be wrong! Santelli, who went on a memorable (though polarizing) tirade against Obama’s foreclosure plan on Thursday, has drawn millions of viewers and a White House response to all that stuff he said. Press secretary Robert Gibbs bluntly proclaimed that Santelli “doesn’t know what he’s talking about.” Which should be a compliment to him at this point. Who knows? He may get his Chicago Tea Party yet. source

20 Feb 2009 16:43


Biz, U.S.: Rick Santelli speaks (loudly) for the true fiscal conservatives

  • We’re thinking of having a Chicago Tea Party in July. All you capitalists that wanna show up to Lake Michigan, I’m organizing. We’re gonna be dumping in some derivative securities, what do you think about that?
  • Rick Santelli • CNBC analyst, on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange yesterday. He was railing against the idea of Obama’s $75 billion foreclosure plan, designed to help people from losing their homes. We have to admit that we may not necessarily agree with what he’s saying, we sure love the way he said it. It’s fun to hear him rant. • source