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25 Jun 2010 09:54


U.S.: How do California residents spend their welfare money? High rollin’

  • $1.8 million in funds were pulled out at casino ATMs source

06 Dec 2009 20:58


U.S.: Meet the idiot who blew $127 million in Las Vegas

In the span of a year, Terrance Watanabe lost enough money to bankrupt many blue-chip companies. Now he’s suing Harrah’s for making him lose all that money. Idiot. source

06 Jun 2009 19:52


U.S.: “Cape Man,” the crazy guy who wanted to kill Obama, arrested

  • Daniel James Murray was arrested … at a casino. First of all, if you’re so worried about the safety of the American economy that you threatened to kill the president, why are you at a casino? But anyway, the man, who bizarrely deposited $85,000 at a Utah bank and then withdrew it a week later while making crazy comments all the while, has been detained by the Secret Service. By the way, the New York Daily News reports that Murray likes wearing capes and talking to himself. source

17 Feb 2009 10:35


Biz: Donald Trump’s company is doing so bad, he fired himself.

Trump Entertainment filed for bankruptcy today. Plus, he resigned from the board. source

04 Feb 2009 10:24


Biz: Yo, Wells Fargo: Going to Vegas on the taxpayer’s dime? Bad idea.

  • $25 billion the amount the bank got from taxpayers as part of the economic bailout last year source