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06 Feb 2012 23:46


U.S.: Former White House intern’s book claims to expose Kennedy sex scandal

  • An 18-month affair: A former intern for the Kennedy administration plans to release a tell-all book titled “Once Upon a Secret: My Affair with President John F. Kennedy and its Aftermath.” Starting when she was 19, Mimi Alford worked at the White House and claims to have had an 18-month affair with President Kennedy. Alford, who says she lost her virginity to the president, claimed that the president overpowered her, but he did so using his charm, not physically, “because I really think I was willing to do it.” source

16 Jan 2011 14:16


Culture, World: Chilean miners – all 33 of them – plotting huge book, movie deal

  • All the life story rights are vested in this company and we have not yet granted anyone the official rights to the story.
  • Chilean attorney Guillermo Carey • Discussing what the Chilean miners plan to do with their made-for-a-movie story. Rather than just letting any one of the guys individually release a book and fight for the movie rights (and thereby splitting the Chilean miner film market), they plan to do everything together, possibly as a massive package deal. The deal would mean that the miners would stand behind a single book and film deal, possibly with a multilevel promotional push that would make Brangelina jealous. We can’t wait to play the Chilean miner video game on our Nintendo Wii. We bet it’d be called “Run Inside of This Room for 69 Days.” Or possibly even a branded reboot of the “Lemmings” franchise. source

03 Mar 2009 10:01


U.S.: Blago’s new book: “How I still cashed in on Obama’s seat”

  • The latest Blago thing Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich allegedly tried to sell Barack Obama’s seat for a payday. Then he got impeached. Now, it appears he’s still getting his payday, in the form of a six-figure deal to sell his story to a publisher. The book will be on the shelves in October, just in time for us to not care anymore. source
  • The latest Blago thing Former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich allegedly tried to sell Barack Obama’s seat for a payday. Then he got impeached. Now, it appears he’s still getting his payday, in the form of a six-figure deal to sell his story to a publisher. The book will be on the shelves in October, just in time for us to not care anymore.
  • Will this saga ever end? We admit it, the Rod Blagojevich/Roland Burris saga has given us a ton to write about. But you know, there are other newsworthy things going on. Like drag queens. Or the porn industry. Or Aretha Franklin’s stupid ugly hat that she wore at the inauguration. Anything but the stupid economy. That’s just too much for us. source