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31 Jul 2009 19:16


Tech: Apple finally starts listening to hackers, patches the iPhone

  • After trying for weeks to convince Apple to fix their iPhone software, two security researchers revealed a scary method for hacking the iPhone using SMS. source
  • After feeling the wrath of negative PR contained in that message, Apple hurried and fixed the vulnerability, but you have to hook up to iTunes to fix it. source

30 Jul 2009 11:08


Tech: Mad haxors are meeting in Las Vegas to hack your machine

  • The goal? Finding security flaws. Las Vegas’ Black Hat security conference is the place to be if you want to present some major hacks that companies like Microsoft and Apple should know about. Currently on the table? An exploit which allows users to hack Macs and steal scrambled data. Now, we know what you’re thinking. How could this possibly help you? Well, it forces tech companies to make better products. source