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04 May 2010 22:45


04 Sep 2009 14:30


Sports: Ernie Harwell, you’re an icon. We miss you already.

Last night, the legendary Detroit Tigers announcer told the world that he was suffering from inoperable cancer. He’s an icon. His loss will be felt. source

27 Feb 2009 14:46


Culture: The ultimate hype man, Ed McMahon, is in the hospital

  • He’s like 85. It sounds pretty bad. McMahon, that guy who said “Here’s Johnny” about 20,000 times in his life, has been in the hospital for more than three weeks with pneumonia and other medical problems. “Ed’s a big, strong, hearty guy and his family and I are hopeful and optimistic about his prognosis,” said his publicist, Howard Bragman. Still, three weeks is a long time. Pull through, Ed! source