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16 Feb 2010 09:57


Politics: The GOP has to use video games to entice young conservatives

  • We’re gonna have the most popular games. There’ll be Guitar Hero. There’ll be Dance Revolution. There’ll be Call of Duty.
  • Radio Host Kevin McCullough • Regarding some of the techniques CPAC, the Conservative Political Action Conference, plans to use to draw a younger, hipper audience. Hip-hop will also be playing in the background, because that’s what the kids like. Last year at CPAC, Rush Limbaugh famously said that he hoped Obama failed, which was the first touch of resistance the then-made-of-Teflon president felt. To us, a video game room hosted by Michael Steele seems like a significant “we’re trying too hard” downgrade. source

13 Mar 2009 14:01


Politics: If book sales are any indicator, Ann Coulter’s losing influence.

  • 100,000 sales of Ann Coulter’s most recent book, “Guilty: Liberal ‘Victims’ and Their Assault on America.” That’s way down from Coulter’s usual sales. source