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03 Oct 2009 11:25


Tech: Amazon’s long Orwellian nightmare is finally over

  • There was a settlement in the “1984” lawsuit. Amazon, which deleted a bunch of George Orwell’s books off users’ Kindles, did not admit guilt in the $150,000 settlement (which largely goes to the lawyers and literacy charities; no word on what the plaintiffs got), but they did agree not to delete content off of users’ Kindles without their consent. Which is what everyone wanted in the first place. source

05 Sep 2009 00:58


Biz, Tech: Amazon finally rights its Orwellian wrongs on Kindle users

  • You can have your books back. Or, if you want, $30. Back in July, a big to-do broke over Amazon’s ironic handling of the books “1984” and “Animal Farm,” two George Orwell books that tackled the very issues Amazon created when they took them away from readers. Realizing that they done #(^@!* up, the sent an e-mail to affected users offering to fix the problem. Which just goes to show you: You can’t take back stuff you already sold, idiots. source

01 Aug 2009 14:21


Biz, Tech: Irony continues to ensue with Amazon’s “1984” Kindle removal

  • In an attempt to avoid a lawsuit over rights, Amazon decided to delete already-purchased copies of George Orwell’s most famous novels – “1984” and “Animal Farm.” source
  • People loudly complained, saying that it was unfair to consumers and that the deletions set a pretty sad-slash-hilarious example, considering the books’ context. source
  • A ticked-off high school student sued Amazon, saying that he had his notes on the book for school ruined because of Amazon’s, well, Orwellian way of handling things. source

18 Jul 2009 12:33


Tech: Amazon deletes Kindle books, adds irony in the process

  • Amazon says this is a ‘rarity,’ but even once is too many times for bull$*(% like this to happen. … And of course the fact that this happened to 1984, of all books, makes this even more surreal.
  • Gizmodo writer Adam Frucci • Regarding Amazon’s latest struggle with the Kindle – the fact that they deleted copies of George Orwell’s “1984” and “Animal Farm” remotely. While it appears to be a rights issue more than anything else (i.e. the publisher didn’t have those rights), the truth of the matter is, Amazon deleted books in the very style that makes them look like Big Brother, which should concern Kindle owners. • source