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18 Jan 2011 22:53


Tech: Article about “Goatse Security” doesn’t use phrase “Goatse Security”

  • where can we drop this for max lols
  • Reported AT&T iPad data hacker (and member of “Goatse Security”) Daniel Spitler • Reportedly discussing, in unsealed chat logs, their plans to release information on iPad 3G users, which AT&T had made available one-at-a-time on a public Web site, but they gathered en masse using a brute-force attack. A secret source reportedly turned in the chat logs focused on Spitler and his partner, Andrew Auernheimer, who were charged with fraud and conspiracy to access a computer without authorization. The details of the case were released today. We’re just upset that this Computerworld story doesn’t once use the phrase “Goatse Security.”  source

07 Jul 2010 10:52


Tech: Goatse Security dude: I’ve been denied a lawyer in iPad case

  • He also points out a potentially hypocritical carrying-out of the law. What’s the difference between a hacker using a public Web site to scrape information about iPad users for the purposes of publicizing and fixing a bug, and a law firm that does the same thing to scrape data about a health insurer? The hacker gets raided, arrested and denied a public attorney; the law firm isn’t dinged much at all. So is the case of Andrew “weev” Auernheimer, who broke a gag order on his case to tell you all this. Now, we’re not geniuses here, but we’re guessing social security numbers and other private data are way worse than anything “weev” took (and subsequently deleted). source