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29 Sep 2009 01:42


U.S.: Welcome back Sully: The heroic Hudson pilot goes back to work

  • The months since January 15 have been very full, and my family and I have had some unforgettable experiences. However, I have missed working with my colleagues at US Airways and I am eager to get back in the cockpit with my fellow pilots in the months ahead.
  • Capt. Chesley “Sully” Sullenberger • On returning to work in a slightly different role. The US Airways pilot will be returning as a management pilot and will also play a larger role in safety management. Considering the pin-point landing he made with Flight 1549, he’s going to be perfect for that role. • source

16 Mar 2009 23:34


Offbeat: A rapping flight attendant – hey, why the heck not?

This dude’s a camera phone, YouTube sensation. And he raps! He’s way cooler than a rapping dog! source