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11 Nov 2010 11:20


Culture: First-day sales: Latest “Call of Duty” game brings home record bacon

  • $360
    the amount “Call of Duty: Black Ops” made in the U.S. and UK in its first day on store shelves; that’s a record for ANY entertainment platform
  • $310
    the amount last year’s “Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2” made in its first day; that’s a big jump for the Activision series source

28 Nov 2009 08:25


Tech: “Call of Duty” series a $3 billion cash cow for Activision

  • 55
    copies of the six games in the series have sold since the series launched in 2003
  • $550 million amount of money the latest, “Modern Warfare 2,” made in its first five days source

07 May 2009 20:31


Music, Tech: Gamers, meet DJ Hero, conditioning agent for wack DJs

You know, some people will think this is an awesome game. We’re afraid that this is going to create the next Linkin Park. source