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13 Feb 2009 15:06


U.S.: On the doomed Buffalo plane: A prominent 9/11 widow

  • We know she was on that plane, and now she’s with him.
  • Sue Bourque • sister of Beverly Eckert, who was on the plane that crashed in Buffalo. Eckert’s husband, Sean Rooney, died in the September 11, 2001 attacks, and she became a noted advocate for victims’ families as part of the group Voices of September 11. Eckert, along with other family members of victims, met with President Barack Obama just a week ago. • source

14 Jan 2009 14:27


U.S., World: A top Bush official says yes, torture was used at Gitmo

  • The techniques they used were all authorized, but the manner in which they applied them was overly aggressive and too persistent.
  • Susan J. Crawford • on the treatment of puported 9/11 conspirator Mohammed al-Qahtani at Guantanamo Bay. Crawford, a top Bush administration official, says that the treatment is equivalent to torture. • source