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04 May 2011 10:45


Culture: Steelers’ Rashard Mendenhall feeling heat over Bin Laden tweets

The Pittsburgh halfback said this: “It’s amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We’ve only heard one side.” He also doubted al-Qaeda’s role in 9/11. source

14 Mar 2010 23:08


Politics: Max Headroom: Jesse Ventura crazy conspiracy lightning round!

  • The former Minnesota governor is a 9/11 truther. Great. Jesse Ventura made the media rounds this week promoting a book where he analyzes pretty much every conspiracy ever, and calls it a lie. The book, “American Conspiracies: Lies, Lies, and More Dirty Lies that the Government Tells Us,” is bound to be a lightning rod (how ’bout that title?), but is it all just a crock of @(&!? Judge for yourself from these clips.

  • On “The View” On “The View,” it gets downright heated, especially when he discusses 9/11. We like how Whoopi looks like she just doesn’t want to be there at all. The JFK assassination conspiracies are also quite silly, too. Ventura looks crazy with that nest of gray hair.

  • on “The Today Show”Ventura notes that he didn’t give the book its name. “The title scared my wife,” he starts out. He suggests that the CIA is the key to the conspiracy. Ann Curry makes a major factual error in this clip, claiming that Sirhan Sirhan and James Earl Ray killed presidents.

  • On “Larry King Live” King spent a whole hour interviewing the former governor (worth watching in whole), but this clip on Afghanistan is choice, because he suggests George W. Bush and Dick Cheney essentially let Osama bin Laden get away in Afghanistan. Sigh. Whatta loon.