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Posted on October 31, 2011 | tags


Politics: Top House official: White House to be subpoenaed on Solyndra crisis

  • This is an investment of taxpayers’ money that’s gone bad. After eight months of investigations we have a right … to say, ‘what about the internal communications inside the top advisers to the White House? Let’s see them.’
  • Rep. Cliff Stearns, chairman of the Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight • Discussing his plans to subpoena the White House regarding Solyndra, the energy company that the government loaned hundreds of millions of dollars to in 2010, only to see the company go belly up just over a year later. Reports seem to suggest that Obama staffers had close ties to the company, leading to the current situation. “It appears to us, disturbingly, that there is a close relationship between the investors — the people who were wealthy donors to the Obama campaign — and the people that were involved with Solyndra,” Stearns said. “That disturbs us all and we’d like to see the communications to make sure that is not true.” source