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Posted on July 14, 2010 | tags


Politics: Obama’s economic stimulus PR tour not going to be much fun

  • I wish he’d save his money and not come to Western Michigan. They were just swiping a Chinese charge card for it anyway, and my kid’s got to pick up the tab.
  • Holland, Mich. business co-owner Becky DeWind • Throwing up some major criticism of Obama’s stimulus plan, which helped her business, but was fleeting. DeWind’s firm got a $95,000 contract due to the stimulus to clean radioactive waste, but it apparently was the only U.S. contract they got last year. Obama’s polling low at the moment, and although he’s headed to that region tomorrow, he’s unlikely to find many friends. *pat pat* There there, Obama. Just remember that you’re close to Chicago, where your people are. source